Holistic Healthy Living Approach For The Fathers Of 21st Century

Bachelor life is the best stage of life for any man. One has no worries to be tensed about except the job and career. Enjoying with the friends late night without having to worry about anyone asking reason for being late.

Well if someone says this to you or you believe this for long time, then you don’t know the exact best stage of a man’s life. The best part of man’s life is when he finds that soul partner making his life beautiful and together they start a new journey. And in this journey he attains a promotion in the form of fatherhood.

Yes, as being a mother fulfills a woman; being a father is equally fulfilling for a man.

After becoming father the freedom of late nights is curbed or living free life takes a back seat. But this is a myth. It is the happiest part of any man’s life. You have a little responsibility on your should which in many cases people who treat it as stress reason find it difficult to manage. This mismanagement causes some serious health related issues along with other problems.

So on this father’s day we have brought few tips for holistic healthy living for the men who are already father, waiting in line to be father in few months time and for all those who will be father in the near future. It covers all the levels of body, mind and spiritual health, they are:

  1. It All Starts In The Mind- Our male dominant society always propagates that male are the bread winners and they have to take complete care of their family. In part it is good as one gets to understand that starting a family is a responsibility and man can become mentally prepared. Mental preparation is very important when you plan to start a family. Sometimes men tend to have panic attacks when it comes to be ready for extra responsibility with cold feet. The best way is to sit with your spouse and discuss the responsibilities. In fact now a day both husband and wife work so money management should never be an issue, just a better understanding is needed. When you are mentally prepared you are lot more relax and health is also directly linked with better frame of mental state.
  2. Let The Body Tone Up- Body toning process is about total internal detoxification and building up the strength into the muscles along with joints. When you detoxify you remove the extra unwanted substances present inside your body which slowly decrease your stamina to handle workload. Building physical strength decreases the chances of development of any age related problems like backaches or knee joint trouble. All you need is a right mindset and discipline in the routine of your exercise which can be walking, cycling, swimming or jogging. Physical fitness is not always about going to gym and lifting heavy weights but simple exercises also help tone up your body and keep it in shape. 
  3. Right Food Means Right Life- Food is always the most crucial part of staying healthy. Various studies across different parts of the world have one thing in common that healthy eating habits and healthy food in the diet ensures longer lifespan. Also, it boosts one immune system which protects the body internally from the attack of any disease causing organism. Free radicals in the body if excess lead to disease like cancer. High cholesterol diet lead to higher risks of cardiovascular diseases. Eating fruits, raw vegetables, dry fruits and sprouting are good for health. Try and include them in your diet on the daily basis, with changes.
  4. Routine Health Checkups Are Good Idea- Rising pollution, mental stress and adulteration in the food raise the health concerns. The best idea is prevention which is done by developing a discipline lifestyle. Another way to keep track that you are on the right path to great health is through regular health checkups. In present times combine health insurance policy for the family are available in the market and even the government is promoting it. 
  5. Outing With The Family Is Must- A quality get together time spending with family is great for building bond and also for upbeat mindset. Spend weekends together with the family playing with the children, helps decrease the stress accumulated over the week. In fact many parents report that just seeing a smiling face of their child helps them relax. Just a few years back summer holidays were the holidays at the villages. This is the time when complete family with all the generation will meet and get to know each other. It is now losing its sheen in the modern times.
  6. Take Time To Groom Your Self- This is a great way to build your self confidence too. Shopping or wearing good clothes are not a therapy only for women but are equally beneficial for men too. For some time you will not be worrying but will be focusing on beauty and positive sides of things. Studies show a confident person is better able to handle any stress condition and take right decision. Many times men after becoming father stop their grooming and also many women sacrifice this due to family believes or compromise. This leads to poor mental state with decrease in the buoyant mindset.
  7. Develop Your Stress Management Plan- In present times stress is inevitable from our lives. You cannot cut it away. However, there are many means to reduce them. Frequently men suffer in silence the stress they face in their life both at the office and home. They fill reluctant to speak out due to social myths about mental strength. The best way to keep the mental stress at bay is to speak to friends, family members and to spouse for married.

Conclusion: Fathers find it very difficult to showcase their love towards their children except among few people. Children also feel more closeness and are open to their mother. This is not because father doesn’t care but he is protective for the family. In a family both father and mother plays their own roles without which a family will never be a family. One should not wait for any occasion to show their gratitude towards what they are doing. And for all the fathers out their stay fit as your family looks up to you to show them the right way.

By Manoj Kumar Singh(Trustee & National President, Power In Me Foundation)

How To Balance Work, Kids And Mental Strength For Moms

The biggest challenge any organization faces from time to time is to ensure constant level of productivity from its employees throughout the year. However for every employee the level of motivation varies from their hierarchy and from hour to hour forget about the year.

Shifting focus to our homes on to the homemakers or the working mothers, we do not find any major fluctuations into their level of commitment and productivity. Everyone has a mother at home or a wife for some, who handles the entire home related problems single handedly in most of the cases.

Everyone knows that mother and mental strength go hand in hand. But more often we forget that in the end, even she is a human being. She too has a limit to handle mental pressures around her. Among mother’s day gifts just add one more thing to make her feel a bit better, which is a little bit of understanding and care to showcase.

Growing children are always mother’s biggest challenge and in their life’s journey in the highway of life they need expert guidance from parents. Mother’s are the go to and feel good factor for every child no matter how old he/she has grown.

The daily routine starts from the early morning with preparations for breakfast, Tiffin and getting everyone ready on time. These are some of the biggest challenges that a mother faces on day to day basis without any complain. Working mothers have a daunting task at hand to strike a right balance between professional and personal lives.

On the mother’s day we have brought some tips for all the mothers, especial focus on working mothers on how to balance the work, kids and maintain the mental strength:

  1. Prepare Your Schedule And Manage Time- Time is the most critical substance at hand which never comes back and needs to be planned in a proper way. This will vary from a nuclear family to a joint family. Modern society is witnessing wider roles for mothers with add-on responsibilities on to their shoulders. Free availability of uncensored information requires constant monitoring and one on one talk with the children to save them from any wrong involvements. If you are working you need to schedule your time in such a way that you have not missed a point and are fresh even after constant work. A well winded time will ensure less physical and mental fatigue. It will also give you some time for yourself to replenish the thought process.
  2. Eat Good To Build Immunity- Enough can be talked about the mental strength and mother but unhealthy mother means the family will suffer. Working women are exposed to lots of pollution and prospective antigens while travelling and meeting people. They need to eat good food to build their immunity to help develop resistance to any diseases. Also, a healthy mother can easily handle any family situation that may arise. Include fruits, vegetables, fibres, milk and juices into diet to help your body recover fast.  
  3. Exercise And Stay Fit- Gifts have a positive mental influence especially among the ladies. As the mother’s day gifts include a yoga class course for self or join the local fitness club to keep self physically fit. Just take 30 minutes walk in the park daily which will give you ample exposure to nature and oxygen to boost your fitness level. A fit and healthy body means a happy mind.
  4. Creating Happy Environment- A good mental health is very closely related to the degree of happiness in relations and environment you live in. Outing with the family every weekends or at least once in a month with lots of images helps create happy memories. Also, activities like family games, singing together, shopping and watching movie together are some of the bond building methods which create a happy living environment. In office speaking to the positive people enhances the mental level and keeps you focus on important matters.
  5. Find Your Emotional Sink- Women are bound to emotions more strongly than men. And more often they need to let the negative emotions out otherwise it interferes in their work. Friends are the best buffers for any negative emotions, however many a times they are not available on time due to their own life. One should remember that negative emotions are nothing but negative energy which needs to be properly channelized in order to neutralize its effect. The best ways are to start a new creative hobby this could be anything other than what you do in routine work. It can be drawing, sketching, photography, dancing, singing, and gardening or even visiting a park every now and then gives a clearer perspective. All these activities along with talking to anyone like husband, in-Laws, parents, friends or even children if they are grown up enough to understand.

Conclusion: At time when mother stops us from doing anything each one of us in our life has interrupted her with an argument that I am mature enough and know what is right.  In doing so we forget that again when time comes to show that real maturity we prefer to show our naïve side. Mother needs to be always on the alert. She cannot afford to make a mistake on any front of her life starting from office if she is working to the home where it’s not about profit but about being together. All these add up to the physical and critically to a higher level of mental pressure. So this mother’s day, don’t just wish her happy mother’s day but make each day mother’s day. It is a time that each one of us realize that we are mature enough and sit alongside our mother to tell her no matter what the situation be we love her. And when the problems come we will be together to handle them.

And ladies you can always feel proud of what you have been constantly achieving with the resources at hand. The best technique to stay happy and mentally strong is to build in the positive mindset system. Never allow any negativity to influence your mind. Your positivity helps people around you to be positive which comes reciprocating back to you. So keep up the good positive vibes.

By Manoj Kumar Singh(Trustee & National President, Power In Me Foundation)

Tips On How To Beat Depression By Improving Mental Toughness

People today are becoming more and more fragile mentally as the technology is advancing and their way of living is also evolving. There is very little interaction among people at the emotional levels. Most of the time it’s only superficial even when talk at the family level.

This is a great matter of concern as it has lead to more people detachment and rise in the levels of anxiety and depression. You can easily identify a depressed person by common symptoms like persistent low mood, feeling of sadness and loss in interest.

World Health Organization has set some comprehensive mental health action plan to help combat the increasing cases of mental ailment and other issues of psychology.

Each one of us is prone to depression at low to higher level in our life at some stage. But if we can train ourselves into improving our mental toughness we can easily handle the situations in life without falling prey to depression or if someone is already suffering from it can come out of it. Here are few tips to beat depression by improving mental toughness:

  1. Learn To Talk About It- Your ability to withstand any mental challenge right from anxiety to cases of depression can be enhanced by the small routine exercise of gaining the courage and learning to talk about things that disturb your mental peace. One requires being mentally tough in order to speak out what is in his or her heart. Almost every one of us find it difficult in most cases to speak exactly what we feel. Start doing a small exercise with your near ones who understand this and develop that much needed courage to then talk with others. You will be amazed to see how light you feel and how many more people you help.
  2. Building Your Resilience- Psychological resilience is very important for a person to bounce back from any social disadvantages or highly adverse conditions. A strong resilient person knows how to adapt to the situations and avoids any bad situation to arise. Few simple understandings of life that you cannot please all, you cannot perform all tasks, you cannot know all the things and that you need to continuously update yourself will help frame a better mental resilience, giving you a positive outlook towards life and its challenges.
  3. Develop A Positive Belief In Your Own Abilities- Many a times we come across people who are confident on their abilities and have complete belief that they can achieve the task at hand. But often they are considered as the arrogant individuals because of their high level of self assertiveness. These people do not go over board and disrespect others’ abilities neither do they over estimate their abilities. When we talk about developing a positive belief in own abilities are to understand what you know and to what extent you can use them. This way you are also opened to upgrading yourself which gives you more linking in the society and a happy mind set.
  4. Fix A Routine And Stick To It- Psychiatrists always suggest that having a routine is very good habit because this you way you ensure that your brain doesn’t find any time to think negative. In fact when you have a routine you plan better right from your time, work to your life. A well planned life with little bit of twists is stress free living. It also ensures continuous growth at both personal and professional levels.  
  5. Letting Go To Let In– A simple meditation has many applications which many of us are unaware of. While meditation a simple thought that I am letting go of my worries and past problems you simply open up the gates for the happiness to come into your life. And when a person is happy, he is in much better state of mental situation where he can handle multiple issues with ease. Do remember all the mentally tough people you can  see around you, have developed themselves into realization that clinging on the worries and past problems will stagnate their lives, that’s the reason now they are mentally prepared to handle any situation at hand.
  6. Make Time For Nature- We human are inbuilt with a mechanism which automatically connects with the nature and the growing urban landscape the number of trees along with the sites of fresh water and air are disappearing. This is disturbing the balance of our mind and body. Country like Japan understands this concept and encourages their people to spend at least one day with the family in the parks, gardens or any natural outing. A does of fresh air also reduces anxiety helping into toning up the mental toughness.

Depression is among one of the many mental illness problems which affects almost every one and has been getting some attention for sometimes now. But there are many other mental health issues which need to be attended. This requires a comprehensive mental health monitoring program from the government and also the private organizations to ensure early identification of any symptoms related to it.  People need to be trained into self evaluation of the mental state in order to early identify the signs and symptoms of any mental problem thus making it important to develop comprehensive mental health system which is continuously creating awareness among the masses.

By Manoj Kumar Singh(Trustee & National President, Power In Me Foundation)

5 Effective Ways To Build Your Mental Strength

Almost all the time due to our busy life we ignore our health which results in complications later in our life. However, recent awareness about the physical fitness and spread of the yoga at the household level is helping people become physically fit. Even people in the society are now focusing on their physical fitness as a part of status symbol or we can say to stay abreast with the recent trends.

But one aspect of our health that we always neglect is mental health. The important fact that everyone is missing is that if your mind is not strong enough no matter how strong your body is, you will find it difficult to sustain stress and deliver constant productivity in your life and work.

Here are five effective ways to build your mental strength:

  1. Having A Right Diet- As the body requires right diet to provide right nutrient to different organs and muscles to keep them fit, similarly our mind also requires right diet which boosts its activity. It not about only the vegetables or fruits to eat but about the positive thoughts that your mind needs to strengthen it. Your diet for mind must include both the kinds of food which can provide right kind of nourishment to it. Some of the foods that boost your mind are blueberries, olive oil, coconut oil, walnut, turmeric, asparagus etc.
  2. Practice Affirmation- The true power of mind is realized when it knows its true potential. A daily practice of the positive affirmations helps build the positive mindset early in the morning which flows throughout the day. Practicing positive affirmations help achieve emotional stability which is an important component of a peaceful life in this modern lifestyle. As this gives you a clear picture to think and understand problems without getting deterred by their degree of complications.
  3. Self Validation- In this world no two people are alike and even their problems is different from each other. So it is very wrong for us to compare and dwell into it. In fact one is always better of evaluating self and sorting ones strengths along with the weaknesses. Just remember one thing we are not born to please others as it is the most difficult task to please all. Keep evaluating self and work on your weaknesses to eliminate them through constant building up of your strengths.
  4. Set Up A Goal For Your Self- Everyone of us has witnessed mind wandering when it has nothing solid to ponder upon or work on. Give your mind a purpose to be engaged into constructive work by setting up a goal for yourself. These goals can be set for a day, week, month or an entire year. With a goal in the mind you can focus your energy in a better direction building up your mental strength step by step when you reach closer your goal. 
  5. Push Your Limits- Many a times we give up on a work because we think we lack that strength or resources to achieve the target. This also limits our mindset and reduces the mental strength to think at times of stressed conditions to take decisions. The best way to train your mind and strengthen it to expand your limits is by giving self constant realistic challenges like if you are a school going student you easily get 60 % marks give a little challenge to secure upto 70% in next exams or if you are a business man and you know you can easily get a target of 50 lakhs in a year then set a target of 60 lakhs to push yourself out of that comfort zone and grow. There is no harm if you can’t reach it but in the end you will definitely be a level upper than what you had initially set for self.

Conclusion- Most of us find it difficult to keep our body and mind in sync with each other. And the mind because of this becomes less resilient towards challenges in life, which also weakens the body in due course of time. The simple mindfulness and practice of mind strengthening helps one to achieve lot more than what he or she might have achieved without it. Focus on your mental health too and in case you need someone’s help never feel hesitant to ask for help as someone who truly cares for you will understand your problem and help you solve it.

By Manoj Kumar Singh (Trustee & National President, Power In Me Foundation)

How To Keep A Positive Mental State During Pregnancy

In every culture motherhood is considered as the highest achievement for a woman.

But with fast changing believes people are fast forgetting the pain a woman goes through the entire pregnancy cycle. This is creating more stress among women during the pregnancy that is also causing problems to the new born. During pregnancy any health related issue of a mother then becomes the problem for the child.

As per the world health organization about 10% of pregnant women and 13% of women who have just given birth experience a mental disorder. The most cases are of depression. The developing countries have higher mental disorder rates of 15.6% during pregnancy and 19.8% after child birth. Also, they show about 20% symptoms of clinical depression after child birth.

World Health Organization also states that the affected mothers cannot function properly. As a result, the children’s growth and development may be negatively affected as well.

The worst effect of depression is that it takes away mother’s attention from child’s need.

The situations for stress development leading to distorted mental conditions during pregnancy vary as per different social environment. It may even vary from home to home within a society.

Common Mental Problems Women Face During Pregnancy:

  1. Depression
  2. Loneliness
  3. Mood Swings
  4. Anxiety
  5. Self Centeredness
  6. Lack Of Clarity
  7. Hallucination like incidences

I did my own small survey with some friends and asked them to tick the most common mental health issues they encountered during their pregnancy. My first help was my mother; she has given birth to 8 children.

With this small survey I found that first pregnancy is the most stressing time for all the women. This is true irrespective whether they live in joint family or nuclear family. Most women are scared of the physical and mental changes they go through this period as it is totally new for them. But during the second period it is easier to handle the situation.

Some Of The Common Reasons Why Women Suffer From Mental Stress During Pregnancy:

  1. Lack Of Awareness- Pregnancy not only means a change in the social scenario but also results into many body and emotional changes in a woman’s life. Modern day women are not aware of situations that may arise which raise their anxiety.
  2. Fear Of Cesarean Delivery- The fear of complications during pregnancy already scares the women. Also, doctors at many places go for the easy option of cesarean delivery over the normal delivery. This is most common in the developing countries.
  3. Hormonal Changes- There is rise in the levels of estrogen and progesterone which causes many physical changes in the body of a woman. They help prepare the body for the baby and the later stages for the delivery. These changes also lead to subtle change in the moods of the pregnant lady. 
  4. Physical Changes- A pregnant lady also goes through changes at the physical levels. The breast size increases, shortness of breath, leg cramps, pains throughout the body, frequent urination, weight gain, fluid retention, swollen hands and legs etc. Even the bones become thinner due to high need of calcium in the development of the baby too. Not everyone is able to understand these changes which cause increased stress.
  5. Family Environment- A pregnant woman suffers from constant mood swings. When the family environment is bad then it causes higher mental health issues. Among the nuclear family it is a common phenomenon that women feel loneliness and increased anxiety in the absence of their husbands.
  6. Jobs Environment- It is very common to see modern day women working. Any issue at the work front raises the mental stress which is amplified during pregnancy. Many companies are now trying to restore a better balance in their office environment.

Simple steps you can take to maintain positive attitude and mind frame during pregnancy:

  1. Being Mentally Ready- When you are mentally prepared to be mother. You are able to handle most of the anxiety easily. Sometimes people plan for a child under the pressure from family and other peers. In such cases they show more mental stress. Do not bow down to any pressure but sit together to plan your life.
  2. Rest- Working women often do not take rest which is required to help them energize. Resting improves the overall physical as well as the mental conditions. While you are resting you are also giving your body enough time to heal any ailments.  
  3. Eating Healthy Food- What we eat also has impact on our mental state. Thus healthy eating improves our health and also mental wellbeing. Growing fetus requires various nutrients. Diet must contain potassium rich banana, legumes rich in protein, dairy products providing calcium and green vegetables. Eating raw fruits is a great habit.
  4. Reading Positive Books- Pregnant ladies should read motivational and positive stories. They should read positive poems which help them feel upbeat and stay positive. Even watching positive movies and images helps boost the mental state.
  5. Listening To Soothing Music- Music has a calming effect on our mind and soul. It also helps relieve from the stress. Listen to the soft and upbeat music which fills your mind with happiness.
  6. Sharing Your Problems- Oftenladies do not share their feelings and worries. This slowly builds up the mental stress causing depression and anxiety. Speaking to the elder women of the family, community or even friends can help ease the signs of mental stress. You will also get better perspective from the woman who has already gone through this stage.
  7. Meditation- Practicing mindfulness through meditation is a wonderful method to keep mind stress free. Develop a habit of meditation at least 15 minutes daily.
  8. Exercises- Mild yoga and some light exercise increase your body stamina. Also keeps you fit during the later stages of pregnancy. Consult an expert to help you do the exercise. A fit body means a happy mind too. You can also go for small walks into the gardens in the nature. Nature has a calming effect on the mind.

Role Of Husband And Family: Having a baby is never a woman’s only responsibility. It is a joint responsibility of husband and all other family members. The creation of a new life is a wonderful experience. And it requires full support from everyone.

The husband should also learn that his wife will go through some changes both physically and mentally. Also, her needs will change. This is very important in the families where only two people are there. Even in a bigger family a constant talking with the pregnant wife gives her much needed emotional support.

A pregnant woman needs support from husband to in-laws in terms of emotions and other work at home. One can share happy moments and images of babies to keep them happy. All these efforts even help the growing baby inside the mother.

A happy mother is a happy child and this is possible by the joint efforts of everyone from mother to the people around her.

While writing this article I came to know a lot of problems that a woman goes through to become a mother. A whole hearted respect to all the mothers in the world and I hope this article helps you keep positive mindset.

By Manoj Kumar Singh (Trustee & National President,Power In Me Foundation)

हीमोफिलिया एक दुर्लभ रक्तस्राव विकार, विकलांगता, उपचार और प्रबंधन।

हीमोफीलिया एक जन्मजात रक्त की बीमारी है जो शरीर में फैक्टर 8 या फैक्टर 9 प्रोटीन की कमी के कारण होती है। ये दो प्रोटीन शरीर में रक्त के थक्के जमाने वाले 13 फैक्टर में से हैं। 

भारत में हीमोफिलिया की चपेट में लाखों लोग है, ग्रामीण इलाकों में रहने वाले लोगों को इसके बारे में कोई जानकारी नहीं है या बहुत देर से निदान (डॉयग्नोसिस) किया गया है। ऐसे कई मरीज हैं जो हीमोफीलिया से क्षतिग्रस्त घुटने के जोड़ के कारण विकलांग हो गए हैं। समय पर इलाज से उन्हें इससे बचाया जा सकता था।

हीमोफीलिया के प्रकार-

हीमोफीलिया मूल रूप से दो प्रकार का होता है। फैक्टर 8 की कमी से हीमोफीलिया ए और फैक्टर 9 की कमी से हीमोफीलिया बी होता है। कुछ दुर्लभ स्थितियों में फैक्टर 10 की कमी से हीमोफिलिया सी हो जाता है। लेकिन सबसे प्रमुख हैं हीमोफिलिया ए और हीमोफिलिया बी।

हीमोफिलिया के लिए क्या उपचार उपलब्ध है?

हीमोफिलिया एक दुर्लभ बीमारी है जिसका कोई स्थायी इलाज नहीं है लेकिन इसका इलाज उपलब्ध है जो रोगियों को सामान्य जीवन जीने में मदद करता है। हीमोफीलिया ए के लिए फैक्टर 8 का इंजेक्शन लगता है और हीमोफीलिया बी के लिए फैक्टर 9 का इंजेक्शन लगता है। खुराक की गणना रोगी के शरीर के वजन और रक्तस्राव की गंभीरता के आधार पर की जाती है। साथ ही गंभीर समस्याओं में बार-बार फैक्टर दिया जाता है जब तक कि रोगी सामान्य नहीं हो जाता। अत्यधिक रक्तस्राव के कारण कई बार नियमित फैक्टर इंजेक्शन के साथ-साथ रोगी की जान बचाने के लिए रक्त आधान भी किया जाता है।
 यह समाज के हर वर्ग को प्रभावित करता है।

यदि आप सोच रहे हैं कि यह समाज में केवल कुछ लोगों को प्रभावित करता है तो आप फिर से सोचें क्योंकि हीमोफिलिया एक अनुवांशिक बीमारी है जो किसी भी परिवार में बीमारी के किसी भी पारिवारिक इतिहास के साथ या उसके बिना हो सकती है। यह बीमारी यह नहीं देखती कि आप अमीर हैं या गरीब और उसी तरह समस्या पैदा करते हैं। यहां तक ​​कि किसी भी जाति या धर्म के लोग भी इस बीमारी से पीड़ित हो सकते हैं। यही कारण है कि उचित उपचार के लिए प्रारंभिक अवस्था में रोग का निर्णय करना महत्वपूर्ण है।
हीमोफिलिया के लक्षण-

1. कटने पर बिना रुके खून बहना।

2. शरीर पर काले और सफेद चक्ते आना फिर ठिक हो जाना।
3. नाक से खून बहना।

4. बिना किसी चोट के घुटनों, टखनों, कोहनी, कंधों में सूजन फिर कुछ दिनों में कम हो जाता है| लम्बे        समय तक रहने पर जोड़ खराब हो जाते हैं।

5. पेशाब में खून आना।

6. मस्तिष्क और पेट में रक्तस्राव जीवन के लिए खतरा हो सकता है इसलिए तुरंत फैक्टर इंजेक्शन दिया   जाता है।
 उपचार की लागत बहुत अधिक है-

हीमोफीलिया के रोगियों के इलाज के लिए दिए जाने वाले फैक्टर इंजेक्शन की लागत अधिक होती है और सामान्य लोग इसे वहन नहीं कर सकते| इससे मरीज व परिवार को काफी परेशानी होती है। लंबे समय तक जोड़ों में बार-बार रक्तस्राव स्थायी विकलांगता का कारण बनता है और परिवार आर्थिक रूप से भी कमजोर हो जाता है। इन रोगियों के जीवन को बचाने और उनके परिवार को अपना घर चलाने के लिए स्थायी आय में मदद करने के लिए सरकार और गैर सरकारी संगठनों का समर्थन बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। फैक्टर 8 या फैक्टर 9 इंजेक्शन और फिजियोथेरेपी के साथ समय पर उपचार हीमोफिलिया रोगियों के लिए सामान्य जीवन सुनिश्चित करने के लिए और जोड़ को स्थायी क्षति से बचाने में मदद करता है। हीमोफिलिया ए मरीजों को फैक्टर 8 का इंजेक्शन लगता है और हीमोफीलिया बी वाले को फैक्टर 9 का इंजेक्शन लगता है, यह बात को याद रखना जरूरी है।
 जीन थेरेपी एक स्थायी इलाज हो सकता है-

हीमोफिलिया के स्थायी इलाज की दिशा में इंग्लैंड और यूएसए से जीन थेरेपी के विभिन्न सफल परिणाम यहां दिए गए हैं। इसमें रोगी को सामान्य जीन के साथ स्थानांतरित किया जाता है जो शरीर में अधिक फैक्टर 8 और फैक्टर 9 प्रोटीन का उत्पादन करने में मदद करता है और रक्त के थक्के जमने में मदद करता है। लेकिन यह भी शुरुआती स्तर पर काफी महंगा होगा।

एक ही स्थान पर डायग्नोस्टिक्स लैब और फिजियोथेरेपी की आवश्यकता है-

हॉस्पिटल के अंदर फैक्टर 8 और फैक्टर 9 के एसे टेस्टिंग फैसिलिटी से मेरीजों को काफी फयदा होगा। क्योंकि इससे जल्दी पता चलेगा हीमोफिलिया के बारे में और इलाज चालू हो पाएगा। इसके साथ महिलाओं में कैरियर डिटेक्शन टेस्ट भी उपलब्ध करना जरूरी है ताकि बीमारी का सही से रोक थाम हो सके। क्योंकि मरिज जिनके जॉइंट्स खराब होने लगे हैं या हो चुके हैं उन्हें भी फिजियोथेरेपी की निरंतर जरूरत है। इसके लिए एक्सपर्ट्स के समय समय पर ट्रेनिंग भी करवानी होगी।