5 Effective Ways To Build Your Mental Strength

Almost all the time due to our busy life we ignore our health which results in complications later in our life. However, recent awareness about the physical fitness and spread of the yoga at the household level is helping people become physically fit. Even people in the society are now focusing on their physical fitness as a part of status symbol or we can say to stay abreast with the recent trends.

But one aspect of our health that we always neglect is mental health. The important fact that everyone is missing is that if your mind is not strong enough no matter how strong your body is, you will find it difficult to sustain stress and deliver constant productivity in your life and work.

Here are five effective ways to build your mental strength:

  1. Having A Right Diet- As the body requires right diet to provide right nutrient to different organs and muscles to keep them fit, similarly our mind also requires right diet which boosts its activity. It not about only the vegetables or fruits to eat but about the positive thoughts that your mind needs to strengthen it. Your diet for mind must include both the kinds of food which can provide right kind of nourishment to it. Some of the foods that boost your mind are blueberries, olive oil, coconut oil, walnut, turmeric, asparagus etc.
  2. Practice Affirmation- The true power of mind is realized when it knows its true potential. A daily practice of the positive affirmations helps build the positive mindset early in the morning which flows throughout the day. Practicing positive affirmations help achieve emotional stability which is an important component of a peaceful life in this modern lifestyle. As this gives you a clear picture to think and understand problems without getting deterred by their degree of complications.
  3. Self Validation- In this world no two people are alike and even their problems is different from each other. So it is very wrong for us to compare and dwell into it. In fact one is always better of evaluating self and sorting ones strengths along with the weaknesses. Just remember one thing we are not born to please others as it is the most difficult task to please all. Keep evaluating self and work on your weaknesses to eliminate them through constant building up of your strengths.
  4. Set Up A Goal For Your Self- Everyone of us has witnessed mind wandering when it has nothing solid to ponder upon or work on. Give your mind a purpose to be engaged into constructive work by setting up a goal for yourself. These goals can be set for a day, week, month or an entire year. With a goal in the mind you can focus your energy in a better direction building up your mental strength step by step when you reach closer your goal. 
  5. Push Your Limits- Many a times we give up on a work because we think we lack that strength or resources to achieve the target. This also limits our mindset and reduces the mental strength to think at times of stressed conditions to take decisions. The best way to train your mind and strengthen it to expand your limits is by giving self constant realistic challenges like if you are a school going student you easily get 60 % marks give a little challenge to secure upto 70% in next exams or if you are a business man and you know you can easily get a target of 50 lakhs in a year then set a target of 60 lakhs to push yourself out of that comfort zone and grow. There is no harm if you can’t reach it but in the end you will definitely be a level upper than what you had initially set for self.

Conclusion- Most of us find it difficult to keep our body and mind in sync with each other. And the mind because of this becomes less resilient towards challenges in life, which also weakens the body in due course of time. The simple mindfulness and practice of mind strengthening helps one to achieve lot more than what he or she might have achieved without it. Focus on your mental health too and in case you need someone’s help never feel hesitant to ask for help as someone who truly cares for you will understand your problem and help you solve it.

By Manoj Kumar Singh (Trustee & National President, Power In Me Foundation)

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