Power In Me Foundation has been established to create awareness about the rights of people with rare diseases and help build a positive social environment where they can thrive by realizing their full potential. At Power In Me Foundation, we believe that every individual has the power within, only we need to help them realize it.

Our Purpose & Objectives

The Main objects for which the Trust is founded are:

1. To help create awareness about rare diseases like haemophilia, sickle cell anaemia, pompe disease, multiple sclerosis, thalassemia and other rare genetic diseases.

2. To advocate about equality and rights of the people with rare diseases and their family. Also, to help them bring into the productive workforce of the society.

3. To create awareness about the rights of patients and their health rights.

4. To carryout surveys and help into policy making with the concerned constitutional bodies of state and central government.

5. To carry out different research projects alone or in collaboration with different organizations aimed at social equality, health, environment, education and livelihood generation.

6. To help create employment and to provide food to the needy and destitute.

7. To focus on providing basic needs sufficiency to the attendants accompanying the patients in the hospital.

8. To generate Social awareness and self-employment opportunities by providing short-term courses on stitching, parlour services candle making, content writing, graphic designing, organic farming etc to the youth from rural area, Rare disease and their family.

9. To Facilitate counselling to  children on matters relating to drugs, rights and child trafficking

10. To provide medical camps in the areas with the need.

11. To research, develop and set up rural development projects in order to boost rural employment, healthcare, education and other social needs.

12. To work with the government on different projects in healthcare, education, food security, livelihood, entrepreneurship and environment.

13.To establish centres of excellence, research centres, academies, schools, institutes and organizations that will help us achieve our above mentioned objectives in healthcare, education, environment, livelihood.

Our Ancillary Objective

To create a sense of brotherhood, cooperation, mutual harmony, love and affection amongst the member of the trust and all the people across all the race and regions.

Our Vision

To create positive transformation in the society to achieve equality and peace at all its levels.

Our Mission

To create opportunities for the rare disease and people with disabilities to empower them, through step by step social awareness about their rights. And set up goal oriented projects on sustainable development model of United Nations.

Donate Or Sponsor

No noble cause can sustain for a longer  duration without support from the society. This support can be in the form of services or in terms of money. Power In Me Foundation looks to work for those people of the society who are for long been treated as dependent and of no use. We are helping them to realize their true potential by creating an environment to empower them. You small support in any kind can help us support them in a better manner and improve their quality of living too. If you are a business or entrepreneur you can also hire our special talents or you can give a small part of the project as outsource that can help them get employment and live a dignified life.


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